Alsea River, OR
Alsea to Tidewater (N Fork, S Fork Alsea Confluence to Head of Tide)
Class I-II, 34.0 Miles
Alsea River, OR
Tidewater to Pacific Ocean (Head of Tide to Pacific Ocean)
Class I, 12.0 Miles
Clackamas River, OR
Three Lynx Power Station to North Fork Reservoir
Class III-IV, 32.0 Miles
Crooked River, OR
Crooked Wild and Scenic River - Chimney Rock (1/4-mile downstream from the center crest of Bowman Dam to Dry Creek)
14.8 Miles
Crooked River, OR
Crooked Wild and Scenic River - Lower Crooked (National Grassland boundary to River Mile 8 south of Opal Spring)
Class IV-V, 9.8 Miles
Crystal Creek, OR
Upper Klamath Canoe Trail (Malone Springs Boat Launch to Pelican Bay)
Class I, 8.0 Miles
Deschutes River, OR
Lower Deschutes Wild and Scenic RIver (Pelton Reregulating Dam to Confluence with the Columbia River)
100.0 Miles
Deschutes River, OR
Middle Deschutes Wild and Scenic River (Odin Falls to Gauging station near Lake Billy Chinook)
Class III-IV, 20.0 Miles
Donner und Blitzen River, OR
Donner ьnd Blitzen Wild and Scenic River (Indian Creek to Page Springs Campground)
30.5 Miles
Elk River, OR
Sunshine Bar to Butler Bar
Grande Ronde River, OR
Grande Ronde Wild and Scenic River (Wallowa River to Oregon-Washington border)
Class II-III, 43.8 Miles
Grande Ronde River, OR
Palmer Junction Boat Launch to Wollowa River Confluence
4.0 Miles
Grande Ronde River, WA/OR
OR/WA State Line to Snake River
38.0 Miles
John Day River, OR
John Day Wild and Scenic River (Service Creek to Tumwater Falls)
Class II, 147.5 Miles
Klamath River, OR
JC Boyle to Powerhouse (JC Boyle Bypass) (John C Boyle to John C Boyle Power House/ Spring Island)
Class IV, 5.0 Miles
Malone Springs, OR
Upper Klamath Canoe Trail (Malone Springs Boat Launch to Upper Klamath Lake)
Class I, 3.0 Miles
McKenzie River, OR
Leaburg Dam to Hayden Bridge (Lloyd Knox Park to Hayden Bridge)
Class II, 24.1 Miles
McKenzie River, OR
Goodpasture to Leaburg Dam (Goodpastute to Leaburg Dam)
Class II-III, 2.0 Miles
McKenzie River, OR
Finn Rock to Leaburg Dam (Finn Rock Landing to Lloyd Knox Park)
Class II-III, 15.0 Miles
McKenzie River, OR
Paradise to Finn Rock (Paradise Campground to Finn Rock Landing)
Class II-III, 17.6 Miles
McKenzie River, OR
Olallie to Scott Creek (Olallie Campground to Scott Creek)
Class II-III, 5.3 Miles
McKenzie River, OR
Hayden Bridge to Willamette River (Hayden Bridge to Willanmette River)
Class I, 11.0 Miles
McKenzie River, OR
Scott Creek to Paradise (Scott Creek to Paradise Campground)
Class II-III, 2.9 Miles
Molalla River, OR
Molalla Wild and Scenic River (Southern boundary line of T 7 S, R 4 E, Section 19 to Edge of the Bureau of Land Management boundary in T 6 S, R 3 E, Section 7)
15.1 Miles
N. Fork Alsea River, OR
North Fork Bridge to Alsea River (North Fork Bridge to Mainstem Alsea River)
Class I, 4.5 Miles
North Fork John Day River
, OR
John Day, North Fork Wild and Scenic River (US 395 bridge
to Camas Creek Confluence)
Class II-III, 3.1 Miles
North Fork John Day River
, OR
Camas Creek to Monument (Camas Creek Confluence to Monument Park)
Class II-III, 40.4 Miles
North Fork Owyhee River, OR
North Fork Owyhee Wild and Scenic River (Idaho border to the confluence with the Owyhee River)
Class III-IV, 9.6 Miles
North Fork Rogue River, OR
Mill Creek Falls to Lost Creek Reservoir
Class IV-V, 3.3 Miles
North Umpqua River, OR
North Umpqua Wild and Scenic River (Fox Creek to Confluence with Rock Creek)
Class III, 12.0 Miles
Owyhee River, OR
Owyhee Wild and Scenic River (Oregon) ( Idaho/Oregon border to Leslie Gulch/Owyhee Resevior)
Class V, 120.0 Miles
Quartzville Creek, OR
Quartzville Creek Wild and Scenic River (Willamette National Forest boundary to slack water of Green Peter Reservoir)
Class IV, 12.0 Miles
Recreation Creek, OR
Upper Klamath Canoe Trail (Wayside Road to Rocky Point Boat Launch)
Class I, 4.0 Miles
River Styx, OR
Rogue River, OR
Rogue Wild and Scenic River (Mouth of the Applegate River to Lobster Creek Bridge)
Class III-IV, 84.5 Miles
Salmon River, OR
Salmon Wild and Scenic River (Headwaters to Confluence with the Sandy River)
Class VI, 33.5 Miles
Sandy River, OR
Sandy Wild and Scenic River (Dodge Park to Dabney Park)
Class II-III, 13.3 Miles
Sandy River, OR
Lolo Pass Road Bridge (Zigzag) to Marmot Bridge
Class II-III, 7.0 Miles
Sandy River, OR
Revenue Bridge to Dodge Park
Class II-III, 5.0 Miles
Sandy River, OR
Sandy Gorge (Marmot Diversion Dam to Revenue Bridge)
Class IV, 6.5 Miles
Sandy River, OR
McNeil Campground to Lolo Pass Bridge (Zigzag) (McNeil Campground to Lolo Pass Road Bridge (Zigzag))
Class IV, 5.5 Miles
Sandy River, OR
Marmot Bridge to Marmot Diversion Dam
Class II-III, 6.0 Miles
S. Fork Alsea River, OR
Hubert McBee Memorial Park to Rock Quarry Weir
Class II-III, 6.9 Miles
Siletz Bay, OR
Siletz Bay (Siletz Bay Nonmotorized Boat Launch to Siletz Bay Nonmotorized Boat Launch)
Class I
Siuslaw River, OR
Lake Creek to Mapletown
Class I-II, 25.5 Miles
Snake River, ID/OR
Hells Canyon (Hells Canyon Creek to Pittsburg Landing)
Class III-IV, 32.0 Miles
Snake River, ID/OR
Pittsburg Landing to OR/WA Line (Pittsburg Landing to Oregon-Washington Line)
Class II, 40.2 Miles
Table Rock Fork, OR
Molalla Wild and Scenic River (Easternmost Bureau of Land Management boundary line in the NE 1/4 Section 4, T 7 S, R 4 E to Confluence with the Molalla River)
6.2 Miles
Umpqua River, OR
River Forks Park to Scottsburg
Class I-II, 84.0 Miles
Umpqua River, South Fork, OR
Days Creek to Pickett County Park (Tiller Trail HWY bridge near Days Creek to Pickett County Park)
Umpqua River, South Fork, OR
Lawson Bar to Myrtle Creek
Class I-II, 7.7 Miles
Umpqua River, South Fork, OR
Roseburg to NF Confluence (Douglas County Fairgrounds Complex to River Forks County Park)
Umpqua River, South Fork, OR
Pickett County Park to Lawson Bar
Class II-III, 5.1 Miles
Umpqua River, South Fork, OR
Myrtle Creek to Happy Valley (Myrtle Creek to Happy Valley County Park)
Umpqua River, South Fork, OR
Three C Rocks to MP 22 (Three C Rock Campground to Tiller Trail HWY MP 22)
Class III-IV, 8.3 Miles
Umpqua River, South Fork, OR
MP 22 to Days Creek (Tiller Trail HWY MP 22 to Tiller Trail HWY bridge near Days Creek)
Class III-IV, 14.5 Miles
Umpqua River, South Fork, OR
Happy Valley to Roseburg (Happy Valley County Park to Douglas County Fairgrounds Complex)
Wallowa River, OR
Wallowa Wild and Scenic River (Confluence of the Wallowa and Minam Rivers in the hamlet of Minam to Confluence of the Wallowa and the Grande Ronde Rivers.)
Class II-III, 10.0 Miles
White River, OR
White Wild and Scenic River (From Mt. Hood National Forest to Confluence with the Deschutes River)
Class III-IV, 46.8 Miles
Willamette River, OR
Willamette River Water Trail
217.0 Miles
Wocus Cut, OR
Upper Klamath Canoe Trail (Recreation Creek to Crystal Creek)
Class I, 1.0 Miles