Class I-II Perkiomen Creek, PA

Perkiomen Creek Water Trail - Lower (Meadow Park to Schuylkill River Confluence)

The lower section begins at Meadow Park in Schwenksville at Mile 11.7, but don't be lulled by the pond-like nature of the ramp area, as you'll quickly enter a series of rocky shoots that can flip unwary paddlers. In the first mile of paddling, you'll pass Red Fox Park, the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy’s headquarters, and the East Branch of the Perkiomen (all on the left).

At Mile 10.7 you'll enter Central Perkiomen Valley Park, which dots the stream bank for the next 5 miles.

At Mile 8.7 you'll encounter the dam at the PEPCO substation. Portage around this dam and follow the channel on river right, as the main channel typically becomes choked with debris making passage difficult and dangerous.

At Mile 6.3 you'll pass under the iconic Collegeville Bridge. Landing options are available upstream of the bridge in Lower Providence's Cranberry Park (river left) or downstream at Collegeville’s Creekside Park (river right); however, both are currently unimproved.

Below Collegeville you'll paddle through a series of sweeping curves before landing in the flats at the Arcola Bridge. Here, it's usually best to abandon ship and pull your craft through this extremely rocky section.

Below Arcola, you'll enter a long stretch of calm water leading up to Hoy Park (river left) and the Indian Head Dam. Most paddlers exit the Creek at Hoy Park (Mile 2.9). Look for the fishing pier and head upstream to the boat ramp on Skippack Creek.

Downstream, you'll encounter the Indian Head Dam. A fishing trail on river right allows for safe portage around the dam. At Mile 2.5 you'll enter Lower Perkiomen Valley Park, and at Mile 0.9 you'll encounter the Whetherill Dam. Portage river right.

Below the dam, push out into the main current on river left, but beware of the undertow at the dam. In an easy mile, you'll reach the Perkiomen’s confluence with the Schuylkill. Give a cheer and veer left... Next stop, Philly! (Source: Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy)


To learn more and plan your trip to Perkiomen Creek, click on the link below!

Perkiomen Creek Water Trail Map & Paddler’s Guide

Section Details

Trip Length Full Day, 11.7 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping No
Permit No
Manager Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy
Wild & Scenic No
Water Trail Yes
Partner Information