Class I-II Conneaut Creek, OH

Conneuat Creek Scenic River (Ohio-Pennsylvania State Line to Lake Erie)

Conneaut Creek offers an exceptional diversity of habitats that support outstanding wildlife populations. The stream corridor is home to 78 fish species and 32 species of amphibians and reptiles. The heavily wooded watershed harbors more than 30 unique plants and plant communities, many of which are listed as threatened or endangered.

Conneaut Bridge, with its headwaters in western Pennsylvania, Conneaut Creek has a drainage basin of only 190 square miles, 40 of which are in Ohio. Flowing through wooded and urban areas, the stream has a shale streambed and has cut deeply into Ohio's glaciated plateau, forming a narrow valley covered with hardwoods and conifers. (Ohio DNR)

Section Details

Trip Length Multiday, 57.0 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping No
Manager State, Ohio State Parks & Watercraft
Wild & Scenic No
Water Trail No
Partner Information