Class I-II Carson River, NV

Fort Churchill to Lahontan Reservoir (Fort Churchill State Park to Lahontan Reservoir)

Kayakers and canoers alike can paddle from historic Fort Churchill State Park to the Lahontan Reservoir and beyond by putting in the river at Fort Churchill and taking out nearly anywhere along the shores of the Lahontan Reservoir (wherever a vehicle can acces sthe shoreline).


This run is mellow and can be done by paddlers of all experience levels, but like always, preparation is necessary. Flows dictate the accessibility of this run. Depending on the year, the spring and early summer can be great times to float this stretch, but the water may be too low as the summer progresses. Boaters will experience beautiful canyon views along the Carson River and wide-open water at the reservoir. (Nevada Department of Conservation & Natural Resources)

Section Details

Trip Length Full Day, 15.8 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping Yes
Permit No
Manager State, State of Nevada
Wild & Scenic No
Water Trail No
Photo Credit: Anna-Marcelle Okamura; BLM