Class III-IV Wilson Creek, NC

The Gorge (Wilson Creek Put-In to Wilson Creek Take-Out)

A two-year partnership, exemplifying bipartisan support between county governments, local communities and the U.S. Forest Service, culminated in designation of Wilson Creek on August 18, 2000. Jack Horan, Outdoors Editor for the Charlotte Observer, aptly describes Wilson Creek's special resources. "Kayakers and canoeists plunge through Boatbuster and Thunderhole Rapids. Anglers probe the greenish pools for brook, brown and rainbow trout. Sunbathers stretch out on massive boulders after a dip in the chilly waters. Wilson Creek long has been an easy-to-reach mountain oasis in the Pisgah National Forest. The free-flowing creek rises on the slopes of Grandfather Mountain in Avery County and, 20 miles later, makes a frantic dash through a 200-foot deep gorge before joining the Johns River in Caldwell County." (Source:

Section Details

Trip Length Partial Day, 3.0 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping No
Permit No
Manager U.S. Forest Service, Pisgah National Forest
Wild & Scenic Yes
Water Trail No
Partner Information
Description American Whitewater