The French Broad Paddle Trail is a 140-mile recreational river corridor between Rosman, North Carolina and Newport, Tennessee, managed by partnering government agencies, regional non-profits, local businesses, and individual volunteers.
The French Broad River was designated a Tennessee State Scenic River in 1968, a North Carolina State Trail in 1987, and officially launched as the French Broad Paddle Trail by MountainTrue and RiverLink in 2012. MountainTrue is North Carolina State Parks' Partner Organization for the French Broad State Trail, and leads watershed-wide Paddle Trail efforts through its French Broad Riverkeeper program.
Paddle Trail staff and partners create, maintain, and improve public river access points, campsites, signage, and information; remove garbage; manage woody debris and host events focused on celebrating and learning about the river.
Whether you're seeking tranquil angling, relaxed tubing, overnight camping, adventurous whitewater, or something in-between, there's an experience for you on the French Broad Paddle Trail.
French Broad River Paddle Trail