Class I Shiawassee River, MI

Shiawassee Heritage River Trail (Holly to Chesaning)

The Shiawassee River offers a diverse range of paddling experiences for canoeists and kayakers of all abilities. It is considered a warm-water river ecosystem, with fairly slow-moving current, very suitable for families in a canoe or groups of novice kayak paddlers. Experienced paddlers will enjoy the many twists and turns along the way. Strong paddlers occasionally paddle upstream against the current a few miles and then leisurely coast back to the put-in for a good workout on the water. This eliminates staging a car at the trip's end for a commute back to the start. (

Section Details

Trip Length Multiday, 85.0 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping No
Manager Private, Shiawassee River Watershed Coalition
Wild & Scenic No
Water Trail Yes
Partner Information