Class I East Branch Whitefish River, MI

East Branch FR 2236 to Rapid River Boat Launch

The Whitefish River is cold, swift, and deep in the early spring, challenging canoeists and kayakers and providing good steelhead fishing. During the summer, much of the river becomes too shallow for canoeing, but offers fishing for brook trout in the upper reaches and a variety of warm-water species downstream from the confluence of the East and West Branches. The river is located on the Hiawatha National Forest in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

This stretch can be canoed through summer and fall, though several shallow areas will require towing. This is a mixture of federal and private lands with no public access points. The final 3-4 miles require strenuous paddling as the current slows. Branch Whitefish River

Section Details

Trip Length Partial Day, 18.0 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping Yes
Permit No
Manager U.S. Forest Service, Hiawatha National Forest
Wild & Scenic Yes
Water Trail Yes
Partner Information