Class I Au Sable River, MI

Davis Rest Stop to McKinley (Davis Rest Stop to McKinley Landing)

Located in the northern lower peninsula of Michigan, the Au Sable is known for its high-water quality, scenery, recreational opportunities, cold-water fishery, and historic and cultural significance. It may just be the finest brown trout flyfishing east of the Rockies. If that were not enough reason to visit the river, the Au Sable is also one of the best canoeing rivers in the Midwest.

This is a 3.5 mile segment and float time is approximately 1 hour.


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AuSable River -

Section Details

Trip Length Partial Day, 3.5 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping No
Permit No
Manager U.S. Forest Service, Huron National Forest
Wild & Scenic Yes
Water Trail Yes
Partner Information