Class I Assabet River, MA

Wild & Scenic Assabet River (Damon Mill Dam to Concord)

Located 25 miles west of Boston, the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord rivers are recognized for their outstanding ecology, history, scenery, recreation values, and place in American literature. Portions of the segments lie within Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, and among the many historic sites along the rivers is North Bridge at Minute Man National Historical Park in Concord, site of the revolutionary "shot heard 'round the world."

The rivers are managed by the National Park Service in cooperation with the SuAsCo River Stewardship Council, which includes members from local towns, state government, and advocacy groups.

For More Information Visit:

Assabet River -

OARS - Watershed Organization for the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers

Section Details

Trip Length Partial Day, 6.2 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping Yes
Manager National Park Service, Northeast Regional Office
Wild & Scenic Yes
Water Trail Yes
Partner Information