Class II Little South Fork Cumberland River, KY

Blue Water Trail (Parmleysville Road to Freedom Ford)

Slices of Kentucky still retain the patina of times long ago. Powerful economic and cultural forces of the 20th Century reshaped the landscape of Kentucky, but there are still areas that look and feel similar to what those who traveled in horse-drawn buggies witnessed in their daily lives. The Little South Fork of Cumberland River region is one of those places. Remnants of hand-laid stone fences line many of the roads leading to the access points on the Little South Fork. Many fine homes feature small, irregular windows and stone chimneys, revealing likely log construction underneath the siding. Suspension footbridges in excellent condition at shallow crossings of the river evoke earlier times in the mountains. Several floats on the Little South Fork showcase this enchanting, overlooked region of Kentucky. The Little South Fork from the KY 92 Bridge downstream to Freedom Ford is a designated Kentucky Wild River, a tribute to the pristine water quality and incredible scenery of this stream. (KYFWR)

Section Details

Trip Length One Night, 25.7 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping No
Manager State, Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources
Wild & Scenic No
Water Trail Yes
Partner Information