Class II Elkhorn Creek, KY

Blue Water Trail (Forks of Elkhorn to Stillwaters Campground)

The two forks of central Kentucky’s Elkhorn Creek join just east of Frankfort to form one of the state’s best-known streams for floating and fishing for smallmouth bass.

Visitors love the Elkhorn for its beauty and its fishing. Paddlers find it perfect for canoeing and kayaking. From the Forks of Elkhorn to its end at the Kentucky River, the Elkhorn Creek provides 17 miles of adventure.

Two businesses located on the creek offer canoe and kayak rentals for visitors. The main stem of the creek is not suitable for johnboats. The creek is ideal for one-person, pontoon-style float boats. (KYFWR)

Section Details

Trip Length One Night, 19.3 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping Yes
Manager State, Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources
Wild & Scenic No
Water Trail Yes
Partner Information