Class I Saint Joseph River - South Bend, IN/MI

Saint Joseph River - South Bend (Hillsdale, Michigan to Lake Michigan)

Few rivers in Indiana have had more historical significance than the St., Joseph. Interestingly, the river is also said to be the hardest worker in the state. The St. Joseph is really only a visitor to Indiana. It rises near Hillsdale, Michigan, flows across half of that State, dips into Indiana and flows back into Michigan to complete its 210-mile journey to Lake Michigan. Approximately 42 miles are spent in Indiana but Hoosiers have never hesitated to reap all the benefits they could from this river. In our state alone there are 4 dams on the river. (Indiana DNR Canoeing Guide)

Section Details

Trip Length Multiday, 77.0 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping No
Manager State, Indiana Department of Natural Resources
Wild & Scenic No
Water Trail Yes
Partner Information