- Explore
- Illinois
- Mississippi River
Class I
Mississippi River, IL/KY
Illinois Fishing River (Iowa - Wisconsin State Line to Ohio River Confluence)
The mighty Mississippi River forms the western border of Illinois, where it glides along flowing south the entire length of the state. Its length along the border is 593 miles, and its major Illinois tributaries include the Rock, Illinois, and Kaskaskia rivers. When the Mississippi River reaches its confluence with the Ohio River near Cairo, it is draining wholly or partially 25 states, as well as portions of Canada.
There are two sections to the Mississippi as its flows through Illinois. The upper portion between Alton and East Dubuque near the Wisconsin border consists of a series of reservoirs formed by 14 navigation dams. These pools range from 10 to 47 miles in length and from 3,725 to 33,500 acres in size. In all, some 200,000 acres of water are available for sport fishing in this stretch.
The portion of the river from Alton to Cairo provides 61,266 acres of water. There are no locks and dams on this stretch of the river, which is better characterized as open river with wing dams, side channels, main channel, main channel border and extensive rip rap along the channel banks for protection. (Illinois DNR)