Main Snake (Confluence of Henry's Fork and South Fork of the Snake River to American Falls Reservoir)
The Main Snake River begins at the confluence of the South Fork and Henry's Fork of the Snake River. Menan boat access (BLM) is just below the confluence and the next downstream access is Mike Walker (Jefferson County).This section of river is floatable in drift boats and rafts. This section is mostly flatwater that has large oxbows in some sections.
Mike Walker to Idaho Falls is flatwater that is relatively slow and confined in a straight channel. An irrigation diversion exists below Mike Walker and is inpassible. This section is primarily utilized by motorized watercraft. Boaters can access the river from West River Boat Ramp to the irrigation diversion via motorized watercraft.Multiple diversions exist below West River Boat ramp and is impassible.
The Snake River from Idaho Falls to Blackfoot is primarily accessible by motorized watercraft due to the multiple diversions and power plants. Non-motorized boaters can launch at Blackfoot below a diversion and float to Ferry Butte boat access. This section meanders through a cottonwood forest with numerous side channels and islands.
Ferry Butte to American Falls Reservoir is primarily accessed via motorized watercraft due to the difficult access by the reservoir.
Section Details
Trip Length
100.0 Miles
Bureau of Land Mangement, Upper Snake Field Office