Class IV-V Bear River, ID

Black Canyon (Grace Dam to Grace Powerhouse)

Closed Water System between two dams managed by PacifiCorp. Schedule water releases below Grace Dam. Rapids between Class IV - V. This section of river is floatable in hardshell kayak with spray skirt. Length is about 6 river miles. (Source: BLM)


The river is a solid class IV run with one or two stand out rapids that can be class V.

The rapids are numerous and continuous. Rapids deserving attention include Grace Falls, just downstream of the first set of rapids, and BooBoo near the end of the run which is a step up at class V. At lower flows the river is technical and generally class IV. At high flows the river has been compared to the North Fork of the Payette - which is class V.

To top it all off the Black Canyon is an incredibly pretty place. (Source: American Whitewater)

Section Details

Trip Length Partial Day, 6.0 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping No
Permit No
Manager Bureau of Land Mangement, Pocatello Field Office
Wild & Scenic No
Water Trail No
Description American Whitewater
River Flow Information

This section of river is dependent on flow being released from an upstream hydropower dam (Bear River p-20 ).

Scheduled flow releases provide boatable flows a few times a year. The hydropower license and settlement agreemeent also led to improved access to the river.

Photo Credit: Google Earth