Class II-III Wood River, CT/RI

Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Wild and Scenic River (Headwaters in Sterling and Voluntown, Connecticut and Exeter and West Greenwich, Rhode Island to Arcadia Road Bridge in Hopkinton and Richmond, Rhode Island)

Excellent fishing throughout. Four miles of paddling begins at Route 165 Wood River Access in Exeter, RI. High water levels allow for passage, typically in spring and fall. The Upper Wood River paddle offers the most impressive natural experience of any river in RI. This section snakes through many wetland areas, winding continuously to keep paddlers on their toes. (National Park Service, Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association)

Section Details

Trip Length Partial Day, 13.0 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping No
Manager National Park Service, Region 1
Wild & Scenic Yes
Water Trail No
Partner Information