Class IV-V North Fork Feather River, CA

Poe Dam to Poe Powerhouse (Sandy Beach to Poe Powerhouse)

The Poe reach is the lowest run on the North Fork Feather above the high water mark of Lake Oroville. This 8 mile reach is comprised of two distinctly different runs: Poe Canyon and Bardees Bar. The first four miles (the Poe Canyon) are continuous class IV/V and the second four miles (Bardees Bar) are class III+. Fortunately there is an access road at the mid-point where the character of the run changes at Bardees Bar. This enables padders to do the class V or the class III+ run or both. (American Whitewater)

Section Details

Trip Length Full Day, 7.5 Miles
Fishing Yes
Camping Yes
Manager U.S. Forest Service, Plumas National Forest
Wild & Scenic No
Water Trail No
Description American Whitewater
River Flow Information

This section of river is dependent on flow being released from an upstream hydropower dam.

As part of the new hydropower license, instream flows were restored along the 7.5 mile stretch of river and whitewater releases are provided annually. (Poe, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission P-2107)