Class V Kern River, CA

Headwaters of the Kern (Junction Meadow to Forks of the Kern)

The North and South Forks of the Kern Wild and Scenic River are located within a four-hour drive of more than one-third of the population of southern California. With its range of elevation, topography, and vegetation, the river offers a broad spectrum of recreation opportunities for all seasons of the year.

The North Fork flows through Sequoia National Park and the Sequoia National Forest, past large rock formations, spiked-granite protrusions, and sharp rock ledges. The South Fork of the Kern River flows through a diverse landscape, including whitewater, waterfalls, large granite outcrops interspersed with open areas, and open meadows with extensive vistas.

Principal outdoor recreation activities include fishing, hiking, camping, and whitewater boating. River

Section Details

Trip Length Multiday, 40.0 Miles
Notes Wilderness permits required for all overnight travel.
Fishing Yes
Camping Yes
Permit No
Manager National Park Service, Sequoia National Park
Wild & Scenic Yes
Water Trail No
Partner Information
Description American Whitewater