Unalakleet River, AK

Unalakleet National Wild River Recreation Management Area (headwaters in T12S, R3W, Kateel River meridian to western boundary of T18S, R8W)

The clear, smooth waters of the Unalakleet River originate in the rolling Nulato Hills, which divide rainfall and snowmelt between the Norton Sound and the Yukon River Basin. The river starts out channelized and running swiftly. Downstream of the designated Wild and Scenic section, it meanders across the arctic tundra 10 miles to the seaside village of Unalakleet, located on Norton Sound. For most of its length, the river has a varying pool/riffle nature, which offers a great diversity of river characteristics and boating and fishing opportunities.


For More Information Visit:

Unalakleet River - rivers.gov

Section Details

Trip Length 80.0 Miles
Notes https://www.rivers.gov/river/unalakleet
Fishing Yes
Camping Yes
Manager Bureau of Land Management, Anchorage Field Office
Wild & Scenic Yes
Water Trail No
Partner Information https://www.blm.gov/visit/unalakleet-wild-and-scenic-river
Photo Credit: Jeff Kowalczyk - BLM