This section of the Wild and Scenic river includes all of Logging Cabin Creek. The Taylor Highway crosses over Logging Cabin Creek about 8 miles from its source and parallels it for much of its length. Logging Cabin Creek is a narrow, tightly-meandering stream flowing from the steep flanks of 5,500 foot Mount Fairplay. The area is sparsely covered by spruce growing out of wet tundra with thick willow and alder along the watercourse. This area is known to support a small population of grizzly bears.
Some hiking opportunities are possible in the area, but floating this segment below the Logging Cabin Creek bridge is concievable only in extreme high water, and then with serious hazard due to over-hanging sweepers and tight turns.
For More Information Visit:
Fortymile River - Bureau of Land Management
Fortymile Wild and Scenic River -